Your article is not a K9 puppies step by step guide for home training. It is a practical and natural approach for the introduction of a dog into your home the right way to maintain your rank . Many people have delusions of grandeur when bringing home a new puppy. They think it will be all hugs and kisses and the dog will magically meet all our human thoughts and desires, as if your mother warned them they will begin to think like a human and K9 puppies immediately understand our complex nature.
Unfortunately, it does not work that way and humans are experts misinterpretation of what our dogs are saying. There is much work to live with a puppy and I have seen many owners some cracks under pressure. However, bringing home a new puppy is where it all starts and this is the golden opportunity to locate range for a K9 puppies fun and healthy life with your dog. This includes the establishment of our hierarchy , rank, what is acceptable behavior and what is not . Proper foundation can determine how your dog is submitted to you and your family. This results in an adequate overall stability of your dog, pure and simple startup.
K9 puppies the first mistake that owners make is giving too much affection without asking the puppy to win. In the canine world , income does not always mean a physical challenge, but it can also mean a mental challenge . This is done by asking the puppy to wait patiently before reward. This includes affection , food , toys , coming out of its niche and received by you or a guest. If done correctly , your dog will learn that the key to getting what K9 puppies you want is to be patient and polite. If you give to your dog energetic attempts to get what they want, you are nurturing the statement you receive relocated and slaughtered dogs. However, a state of mind dominant excited.
This is where your dog is in the K9 puppies event that he is the boss and the rules must be respected. When it does not, the result is barking , jumping, whining , growling and biting. In other words , a tantrum . When you ask a dog to wait quietly , he asked them to reach the same state of mind as their leader when they eat . Patience, in the presence of the most precious we have K9 puppies... Food resource. When your dog can sit and wait patiently for something that I really like , which is fully respected and a stable mental state. Teaching dogs self-control is a big problem. Start early retirement practice this concept with his family.
Second, it is imperative that you represent a commanding presence before representing the cool aunt . As in the military service during his first day of training camp , you will K9 puppies not receive a warm welcome and pats on the back . If your sergeant approaches you concerned about your emotional state , you follow ? Would you respect his orders if he became his best friend and playmate ? Is this a good leader? That's why for three months , his sergeant represents authority and nothing more K9 puppies.
However, at the end of training camp , a greeting and a handshake is obtained . Now you can be friends because you are clear on their rank and . They won the respect. Feel sorry for a dog or constantly give free condition is a low power and not how a leader behaves. Your dog knows what true leadership looks and feels K9 puppies. Manipulate it endlessly.
Most dog owners tell me they just want your dog to be happy. Provide leadership and discipline is the best gift you can give any dog. The irony is that, being an effective leader is unlocking your natural state docile dog. This state of his mind the glory and affection he craves victories. There is no limit to the amount of hugs and kisses , or any other type of reward K9 puppies you can give to a calm dog . It is not retained earnings, this is control. Start strict but fair and your dog respect you and your rules . You will have a happy and well balanced dog that is clear about K9 puppies his position and his .
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