Norfolk SPCA With TNR Program

Norfolk SPCA

Alley Cat Allies was ready to Norfolk SPCA help the Humane Society of Norfolk has recently launched its new Trap Neuter Return (TNT) advocacy, support and education effort. Alley Cat Allies announced in his report of June 12, 2013 to June 21 and 22, its law and policy associate director, Will Gamma, and special projects, Amanda Novelty, workshops with staff of the Humane Society animals of Norfolk and the public how to make a Trap- Neuter Norfolk SPCA appropriate program.

As part of the launch of the program, the shelter offers spay surgery free neutering , rabies vaccine and the tip of the ear of the wild cats in Norfolk for a limited time. They also offer a reduction Norfolk SPCA surgical spay neuter cats in Hampton Roads elsewhere. Free TNT Workshop called Taking care of outdoor cats and Trap Neuter Return will be held June 22, 2013, 10:00 to 12:00 at the Norfolk Fitness and Wellness Center located at 7300 Newport Avenue, If you have an animal you can take it to Norfolk SPCA.

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